
$DNSEntrys = import-csv “h:\dns.csv”
ForEach ($dns in $DNSEntrys){
$hostname = $($dns.hostname)
$ipaddress = $($dns.ipaddress)
Write-host $hostname $ipaddress
Add-DnsServerResourceRecordA -Name $hostname -IPv4Address $ipaddress -ZoneName -ComputerName dc01 -CreatePtr

List DFS replication groups:

dfsradmin rg list

List replicated folders in a replication group:

dfsradmin rf list /rgname:<REPL_GROUP>

List members of a replication group:

dfsradmin mem list /rgname:<REPL_GROUP>

List the local folders that correspond to replicated folders of a replication group:

dfsradmin membership list /rgname:<REPL_GROUP> /attr:RfName,MemName,LocalPath

Show backlog between 2 members of a replication group:

dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:<REPL_GROUP> /rfname:<REPL_FOLDER> /smem:<SRV_A> /rmem:<SRV_B> [/v]
dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:<REPL_GROUP> /rfname:<REPL_FOLDER> /smem:<SRV_B> /rmem:<SRV_A> [/v]

dfsrdiag can also be used for inspecting SYSVOL backlog when DFS-R SYSVOL replication is enabled:

dfsrdiag backlog /rgname:"Domain System Volume" /rfname:"SYSVOL Share" /smem:DC1 /rmem:DC2

A word of warning if you want to run commands like the one above in PowerShell: parameters with spaces are a major pain in the rear. Naïve approaches like

& dfsradmin rf new /rgname:MyGroup /rfname:"My Replicated Folder"


& dfsradmin rf new /rgname:MyGroup "/rfname:My Replicated Folder"


& dfsradmin rf new /rgname:MyGroup "/rfname:`"My Replicated Folder`""

or even

$cmd    = 'dfsradmin.exe'
$params = @('rf', 'new', '/rgname:MyGroup', '/rfname:"My Replicated Folder"')
& $cmd $params

won’t work, regardless of what recommendations you may find on the Internet. You need to work around this issue like this:

$env:rgname = 'MyGroup'
$env:rfname = 'My Replicated Folder'

& cmd /c 'dfsradmin rf new /rgname:%rgname% /rfname:"%rfname%"'

or (slightly more PoSh) like this:

$rgname = 'MyGroup'
$rfname = 'My Replicated Folder'

& cmd /c ("dfsradmin rf new /rgname:{0} /rfname:`"{1}`"" -f $rgname, $rfname)

In PowerShell v3 you could also do this:

$env:rgname = 'MyGroup'
$env:rfname = 'My Replicated Folder'

& dfsradmin --% rf new /rgname:%rgname% /rfname:"%rfname%"

Credit to “Six Demon Bag”

  • Log on to the 2008 DHCP server.
  • Open a command prompt as Administrator.
  • On the Action menu (from within the DHCP management console), click “Backup”.
  • Type netsh dhcp server export C:\temp\dhcp.txt all, and then press ENTER.
  • Copy the exported DHCP text file to C:\temp of the new DHCP server.
  • Open a command prompt as Administrator (on the 2012/2016)
  • Type netsh dhcp server import C:\temp\dhcp.txt all, and then press ENTER
  • Open DHCP console on the 2012/2016), in the console tree, right-click DHCP and Select “Authorize”.

Additional languages

  1. Go to installation folder and find file ribbon.xml and open it with text editor
    Default installation folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\CodingRoad\NoteHighlight2016\ or C:\Program Files\CodingRoad\NoteHighlight2016\
  2. Edit property “visible” from “false” to “true” for languages that you want to use. It is necessary to restart OneNote for changes to take effect

It is also possible to add new languages (supported by highlight tool) by adding new rows to ribbon.xml but if you need new language then you are smart enough to figure it out 🙂