Archive for Newspaper Announcements

Fashion Week

August 11, 2019 at 11:55 am · Filed under How To Guides, Item Collections, Newspaper Announcements, Webkinz Newz
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

From August 12th – 18th, collect Webkinz Fashion Week Clothing and combine them on the Clothing Machine to make new outfits for your pets.

There are several ways you’ll be able to collect Fashion Week clothing:

  • Get a piece of clothing through Today’s Announcements as soon as you log in
  • Look for the floating garment bag in Webkinz World and click on it to get a piece of clothing (limited to 5 a day, 7 for Deluxe players)
  • Look for Fashion Week clothing giveaways at Today’s Activities
  • Find the daily floating piece of clothing at and click on it to send it back to your Webkinz account

Here’s a look at what you’ll be able to make from the 5 pieces of Fashion Week clothing you’ll be able to collect:

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September Calendar & Peeks

September 1, 2017 at 8:25 pm · Filed under Collection/Community Events, Newspaper Announcements, Webkinz Newz
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Webkinz is scheduled to have an active September with the Acorn Collection, Apple Picking, & Fall Fest as major events! Deluxe Day this month is September 29. This looks to be a full & fun calendar:

With everything else there is to do, don’t forget Peek A Newz! The New Uncommon Peek-A-Newz prizes this month are the Blue Floral Shower & Sapphire Spaniel Window.


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Berry Festival & Jumbleberry Updates

July 14, 2012 at 9:26 am · Filed under Newspaper Announcements
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Webkinz is giving us more information about the Jumbleberry Fields updates.  You can buy your extra chances in the eStore – blah.  Hopefully we’ll be able to get a bunch of those berries in the Berry Festival July 18-29!

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The Lorax in Webkinz World

February 13, 2012 at 2:25 pm · Filed under Newspaper Announcements, Webkinz Newz, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Just in time for the release of one of the most anticipated movies of the year, Webkinz World welcomes the beloved forest guardian of the classic tale, Dr. Seuss’ The Lorax. And he’s going to need YOUR help to bring all of his friends to Adventure Park! That’s why, from February 16 until March 4, the Adventure Park is open to ALL Webkinz members, except for those who block third party ads and sponsored content.

Be sure to visit this champion of the trees in the Adventure Park where you can win exclusive prizes by completing his quests. And get ready to meet the Bar-ba-loots and Humming-fish if you master the fun challenges that await you there!  But don’t wait too long, these quests last only until March 4.

Plus, in the Arcade from February 15 to March 4, you’ll really be asking “Where’s Wacky?” when the Lorax takes over the game!

Watch for the Lorax floating through Webkinz World between February 18 and March 3 when you can click on him to win exclusive prizes. And finally, to thank you for your participation, the Lorax has something very special for you. Simply log in to Webkinz World on February 29, March 1 and March 2 to receive an exclusive giftbox each day!

On March 2, 2012, the creators of Despicable Me brings one the most beloved books of all time to the big screen. Webkinz is proud to welcome this timeless character as he fights to protect his world.

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Webkinz Update: Retired & New Exclusives, Recipez, sunflower lion, Gemini Butterfly, zodiac theme…

April 27, 2010 at 3:35 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Estore, Newspaper Announcements, Recipez in Webkinz World, What's NEW
By Gymboutiques

New Exclusives: trusty Mining Cart, the lovely Lion Topiary, Yellow Plasma Ball, Window to Kinzville and the Swan Boat Car.

When they add new Exclusives, they always retire some.
From what I can tell, it looks like these items are NOW retired…
Delicate Swan Bed
Circle of Friends Topiary
Amethyst Geode
Jellybean Tree
YangYin Blossom
Webkinz Dragster
They added 5 new ones, so I don’t know why they would retire 6 old ones, but that’s what it appears that they did.
Go Figure! 

Here’s what you get on Webkinz Day…

New Items: Sushi Chef Uniform Top, Golden Loader Lounger, Sparkler Party Hat, Single Red Rose
Garage Sale Sign, Spilled Blue Paint Can, Blue Paint Paw Prints, Cheese Platter
Framed Photographs, Wild Blueberry Bush, and Webkinz Clubhouse Banner
The first item (Sushi Chef) is the Deluxe Gift for May!
The rest are all non-sendable items which usually means they will be found in the EStore!
The Blue Paw Prints is like a rug and can be placed on the floor.

New Recipes: Bellatart, Ravishelli, Boiled Wyvernacle
Pastel Rilladillows, Wigglumdrip

The Caring Valley Tree for May is the “Cherry Tree”

They also added the rest of the Stone Age theme in the W-shop!
You can check those out there!

And they added some more Zodiac items for the EStore

Sizzling Star Stove, Cosmos Countertop, Star Crossed Sofa,
Sign Side Table, Burning Light Lamp, Cosmos Coffee Table, Cool Cosmos Fridge!

And here’s the Wallpaper and Flooring

The Two Pets added this time are the Gemini Butterfly and the Sunflower Lion!
You can view those on the Webkinz Newz!

Gemini Butterfly, PSI Twin Side Tables, PSF Nocturnal Nectar.

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Upcoming Webkinz Newspaper Articles

March 3, 2010 at 9:00 am · Filed under Chit Chat, Newspaper Announcements
By Gymboutiques

Next is the new bed on previous post and a couple of new items:

You have the “Over the Rainbow” bed, the Pink Popcorn maker, a Bowl of Popcorn, and the Leprechaun Cloverfield.
You have the Pot of Gold background, Groundhog Leprechaun Actor, Ginger Cat Actor, and the Pink Party Vanity and Vanity Stool!
The Popcorn maker looks to be e-store as well as the Cloverfield and Pink Vanity items!
The Cloverfield is a furniture type of item and takes up 9 squares in a room. Your pet can play in it!
Everything but the bowl of popcorn and exclusive bed are NON-sendable!

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Upcoming Webkinz Newspaper Articles

February 17, 2010 at 8:00 am · Filed under Newspaper Announcements
By Gymboutiques

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Webkinz Update, Clover Puppy, Ice Fawn, Sweet Tooth Tiger & more

December 17, 2009 at 5:33 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Estore, Newspaper Announcements, What's NEW
By Gymboutiques

Okay, lets get started with all of this stuff!
New Pets are coming..Here’s the Clover Puppy!
It’s item is Pot-O-Gold Safe, food is Lucky Pupcakes.

Next is Ice Fawn…
Item is Musical Ice Box, food is Frosted Ice Cakes.

And we have the Sweet Tooth Tiger…
Item is Starlight Mint Sofa, food is Crusty Cavity Crumble.

There is some kind of new Spa theme coming. It looks like it’s e-store because none of it’s sendable!
Here are the items added…
Serenity Slumber Bed, Gathered Under Glass Side Table, Relax and Recharge Lounger, Chi Dining Chair
Internal Reflections Bridge, Internal Reflections Pond, Stress Soaker Hot Tub
Aromatherapy Candles, Warm Bundled Towels, Chi Dining Table,
Solitude Divider, Wellness Waterfall Divider, Wellness Waterfall
Here are some other misc pictures added
Entitled Tapestry, Exalted Armoire, Carnival Carousel, Pirate Ship
Bird’s Nest Bed, Schnauzer Album Cover, Hot Chocolate Machine, Cafe Style Hot Chocolate
The Pirate Ship, Bird’s Nest Bed, and Hot Chocolate Machine are NOT sendable..the rest are!
The Hot Chocolate Machine will give you the Cafe Style Hot Chocolate when you use it!
By the way, the Schnauzer is January’s Pet of the Month!

Here is the SUPER DELUXE ITEM for 2010!
The Mountain Mine Cart Ride!

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