Archive for Recipez in Webkinz World

Spring Clothing Line

April 16, 2023 at 12:00 am · Filed under Recipez in Webkinz World
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

The 2023 Spring Clothing line is available in the KinzStyle outlet:

Here are the 2 Clothing Machine recipe items:

Collared Crochet Dress = Strawberry Headband (Deluxe) + Pineapple Shirt + Cool Cargo Shorts

Fresh Raincoat = Kiwi Pajama Bottom + Kiwi Pajama Top + Pineapple Kerchief

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Adventure Scout Recipes

January 13, 2021 at 2:40 pm · Filed under Recipez in Webkinz World
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

The Adventure Scout Cookbook is currently available in the WShop, but these three new recipes will be added on January 20.

Each recipe requires one pack of Adventure Trail Mix, which you can collect from Sophie Stockwell in the Adventure Scouts Clubhouse room. She’ll be handing out packs of trail mix until January 31.

These new recipes make the Adventure Scouts Plaque, Snowy Rope Bridge, and Calming Campfire Stove:


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Fashion Week!

March 2, 2020 at 8:03 am · Filed under Collection/Community Events, Recipez in Webkinz World, Webkinz Newz, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

From March 2 – 8, look for Garment Bags floating in Webkinz World and click on them to earn a piece of Fashion Week clothing (limited to 2 a day for free players, 4 for full and 6 for Deluxe members). There are 5 pieces to collect: The Fashion Week Frames, Jacket, Belt, Dress or Shoes:

You can use the Fashion Week Guide Vol. 2 to see what you can make when you combine Fashion Week clothing on the Clothing Machine. You’ll be awarded the guide the first time you log into Webkinz World or the Webkinz mobile app during Fashion Week. It will also be available in the FUN STUFF section of the W Shop, under BOOKS.

You can also find those floating Garment Bags on the Webkinz mobile app, but the Clothing Machine is only available on web. You’ll find the Clothing Machine at the KinzStyle Outlet. Drag Fashion Week clothing into each slot and click the MAKE IT button to craft your designer clothing!

There are 10 pieces of prize clothing you can make with this year’s Fashion Week clothing:

Starting on March 2, Fashion Week Garment Bags will also be available to buy from the W Shop for eStore points. You’ll find them in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop. Each time you drag and drop a Garment Bag into your pet’s room, you’ll win a piece of Fashion Week prize clothing OR the Grand Prize: A Fashion Boutique that you can only win through the Garment Bags:

The Grand Prize Fashion Boutique is a unique prize that you can add to the border of your pet’s room and starting on March 11, every time you click on the boutique, you’ll launch the Clothing Machine in your pet’s room!

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Best Friends Cupcakes

January 15, 2019 at 9:57 pm · Filed under Collection/Community Events, Recipez in Webkinz World, Webkinz Newz, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Look for the floating ‘Best’ cupcakes in Webkinz World from January 16 after the release until February 14.

And look for the floating ‘Friends’ cupcakes in Webkinz Newz during the same period.

You can also get one cupcake a day from the Lil Blue Sweetheart Cow in the Clubhouse, and the Lil Purple Sweetheart Cow on Webkinz Newz ( Visit Webkinz Newz for more info after the release on January 16.

Then when you combine a ‘Best’ cupcake with a ‘Friends’ cupcake of the same flavor on an oven and add honey you get a presentable ‘Best Friends’ Cupcake you can display in your pet’s room! See all the recipes below!

Please note: Cupcake recipes will not work until after the release Wednesday.

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Sweet Echocoa Recipe Solved & Fall Fest!

September 19, 2010 at 1:03 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Recipez in Webkinz World
By CatLover ♥ {Madi1422}

The Secret Recipe Sweet Echocoa has now been solved! Sweet Echocoa is made in the blender using Chocolate Milk, Chocolate Bar and Lollipop.

Also, Fall Fest has begun in Webkinz World!!  Catch floating leaves now Sept. 19 through Saturday Sept. 25th!


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Webkinz Update: Retired & New Exclusives, Recipez, sunflower lion, Gemini Butterfly, zodiac theme…

April 27, 2010 at 3:35 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Estore, Newspaper Announcements, Recipez in Webkinz World, What's NEW
By Gymboutiques

New Exclusives: trusty Mining Cart, the lovely Lion Topiary, Yellow Plasma Ball, Window to Kinzville and the Swan Boat Car.

When they add new Exclusives, they always retire some.
From what I can tell, it looks like these items are NOW retired…
Delicate Swan Bed
Circle of Friends Topiary
Amethyst Geode
Jellybean Tree
YangYin Blossom
Webkinz Dragster
They added 5 new ones, so I don’t know why they would retire 6 old ones, but that’s what it appears that they did.
Go Figure! 

Here’s what you get on Webkinz Day…

New Items: Sushi Chef Uniform Top, Golden Loader Lounger, Sparkler Party Hat, Single Red Rose
Garage Sale Sign, Spilled Blue Paint Can, Blue Paint Paw Prints, Cheese Platter
Framed Photographs, Wild Blueberry Bush, and Webkinz Clubhouse Banner
The first item (Sushi Chef) is the Deluxe Gift for May!
The rest are all non-sendable items which usually means they will be found in the EStore!
The Blue Paw Prints is like a rug and can be placed on the floor.

New Recipes: Bellatart, Ravishelli, Boiled Wyvernacle
Pastel Rilladillows, Wigglumdrip

The Caring Valley Tree for May is the “Cherry Tree”

They also added the rest of the Stone Age theme in the W-shop!
You can check those out there!

And they added some more Zodiac items for the EStore

Sizzling Star Stove, Cosmos Countertop, Star Crossed Sofa,
Sign Side Table, Burning Light Lamp, Cosmos Coffee Table, Cool Cosmos Fridge!

And here’s the Wallpaper and Flooring

The Two Pets added this time are the Gemini Butterfly and the Sunflower Lion!
You can view those on the Webkinz Newz!

Gemini Butterfly, PSI Twin Side Tables, PSF Nocturnal Nectar.

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Super Chef Clubhouse Room Recipes

October 15, 2009 at 11:33 am · Filed under Recipez in Webkinz World, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Webkinz now has the Super Chef Stove in the new Super Chef Room of the Clubhouse.  The Super Chef Stove had 12 new “Super Secret” recipes which can only be made on the new stove by combining recipes as ingredients.  All 12 “Secret Recipes” have been discovered already!  Click on “Read the Rest of this Entry” below the picture of the Recipe Foods to see the recipes.
Read the rest of this entry »

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Webkinz Demitasse Lassi Recipe Solved!

October 13, 2009 at 5:10 pm · Filed under Chit Chat, Recipez in Webkinz World
By Gymboutiques

Demitasse Lassi Recipe solved!
The RECIPE is in the BLENDER: Peach + Burger + Milk

demitassee lassi

Dont forget to visit our friend’z site for Webkinz Pet Codes:

Monthly Special:
Persian Cat, Poodle,
Black & White Cat & Brown Dog
$8.00 ea. With email shipping option
New Unused Code Only No Plush, The plushes
are Donated to Churches, Shelters and the like

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