Archive for Room Decorating

Painted Glass Concepts

April 7, 2019 at 1:30 pm · Filed under Room Decorating, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

WKN posted two sets of concept drawings for the new upcoming Painted Glass Room Theme. The wall divider will have two different heights: Two rotations will be 1 tile high, and the remaining two rotations will be 2 tiles high so, we can use it as a divider or a counter and will be able to place items on the surface in all 4 rotations. What do you think?

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Webkinz Art History

June 20, 2018 at 6:00 pm · Filed under Room Decorating, Webkinz Newz
By Patsie

Boper posted this picture as a reference of what the paintings in Webkinz correspond to in real life for everyone. He also listed the artists of the famous paintings after the names of the paintings.


You can click on the picture to enlarge Boper’s file and zoom in to see the paintings better.


However, the Webkinz Newz Team posted close up pictures of most of these paintings a month or so ago.


Did you know that the Webkinz paintings correspond to real life paintings before reading the Webkinz Newz post or seeing Boper’s comment with the reference picture? Which of the paintings is your favorite painting in either real life or Webkinz? How many of these Webkinz paintings do you own or which ones do you want to own? Have you ever seen any of the paintings the Webkinz paintings were modeled after in person?

Thank you Boper and Webkinz (Newz) for the pictures and information.

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Post your favorite room designs!

September 26, 2017 at 9:56 am · Filed under Chit Chat, General, Room Decorating
By RubyCubes

Hi friends! I’ve finally gotten around to organizing some of my favorite room designs, and I would like to share them with you. I’m posting them in no particular order. Two of them have been featured on Webkinz Newz, but all of them have been submitted. Some of my designs have been inspired by others I’ve seen. I hope these inspire some of you. If you have designs to share, I would LOVE to see them. Please post them here or start another thread!

Kornz Consert:

Upscale Kitchen:

Room with the Mirrored Wall:

Bowling Alley:

Where’s Grumpy Cat? (The Doll House)

Treehouse Resort:

When I Was Your Age…

Trick or Treat on a Rural Culdesac:

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Haunted Castle Theme

September 24, 2017 at 2:00 pm · Filed under Room Decorating, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

From October 1st – 31st, look for the Haunted Castle room theme in the W-Shop. You’ll find it in the NEW & PROMOS section of the shop. This brand new Halloween room theme is meant to work with the rare Medieval theme that you can find in Curio Shop. Combine these themes together to create the ultimate haunted Halloween room for your pets:

This theme will be available for KinzCash until October 31st, at which point it will be retired until next Halloween… but you’ll never know which items will be gone for good!

Looking for last year’s Freaky Forest theme? This terrifying outdoor room theme is only available on the Webkinz Mobile app. You’ll find it in the Mobile Zone section of the mobile W-Shop.

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Yeah Boper!!!

December 19, 2016 at 12:27 pm · Filed under Room Decorating, Webkinz Newz
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

We are so proud to congratulate Boper on a well deserved Room Design Win with his fabulous Kinzville Seasonal Ice Rink!





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Valentine’s Day Rooms & Gifts

February 10, 2012 at 7:15 am · Filed under Room Decorating, Webkinz House
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Who has Valentine’s Rooms in Webkinz World?  It’s time to get them ready to share here on Gymbo’s Webkinz Blog!  Between now & Valentine’s Day, let’s post our Valentine’s rooms!

We have 4 days until Valentine’s Day on Tuesday!

You can add a link on the blog (preferred) to show your room, or if you are technically challenged, you can email your pic to momskinz.

**** UPDATE ****

In celebration of dee’s birthday, Krafty is sending a special party favor via email to those who commented yesterday on Dee’s birthday post!  I’m forwarding for Krafty if she doesn’t have your email address.  We’ll award other prizes soon, too, so keep checking!

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Webkinz World room decorating contest finished rooms!!

November 7, 2011 at 8:01 am · Filed under Chit Chat, Contests, Room Decorating, Webkinz Giveaway, Webkinz House
By crazywebkinzchic

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