May 10, 2012 at 10:47 pm · Filed under How To Guides
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
From FFQ:
I found the most recent Challenge Map, that is shown on the blog, but they have the Campkinz Challenges in the wrong order. I just finished the Counselor In Training Challenge, and it had the Whistle, while the Counselor Challenge has the Diving Gear, they had it the other way around. I went and fixed it, so I was hoping that you could update the blog people with the correct map. (Click map to view enlarged version.)

May 8, 2012 at 5:41 pm · Filed under How To Guides, What's NEW
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Just as you get less overwhelmed with Webkinz ‘events’ here are more new things to think about . . .
Introducing Collection Friend Events in Webkinz World!

It’s easy to win great prizes simply by collecting items from friends on your Friends List.
The first Collection Event begins May 9th! Flowers are popping up all around Kinzville and you will need to send them to and collect them from your friends! You will have until May 31st to complete your collection.
75 Flowers completes your collection and will earn you this beautiful Wildflower Gazebo!

You can also win flowers on Webkinz Newz between May 10th and 31st (1 flower per Webkinz account per day) or purchase them at the Ganz eStore.
Remember, you can send 10 requests to your friends per day but you can only receive 5 Flowers per day.
You will be awarded a total of 5 prizes for completing your flower collection. Here are the milestones you can achieve and the prizes you can win!
Collect 10 Flowers  – Bloomin’ Comfy Chair
Collect 20 Flowers  – Baby Buttercups Plant
Collect 40 Flowers  – Lollipop Seeds
Collect 55 Flowers  – Flourishing Tree and Flower Bed
Collect 75 Flowers  – Grand Prize: Wildflower Gazebo
So get started on May 9th by clicking on the Wildflower Gazebo on the Kinzville Map!

Three brand new challenges are coming to Webkinz World on Wednesday!
Check out the Challenge Map (below – click on map to enlarge) to see where these New Challenges will land!
Deluxe Challenge: Once Upon A Time…
New Cat In Town
Webkinz World Summer Games

May 17, 2011 at 5:10 pm · Filed under How To Guides
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
This is how my dials were set for my win today!

Think of the dials as clocks, & Aim for these numbers:
Clover -7, Sun – 12, Star – Up, & Tree – 6

April 5, 2011 at 9:33 pm · Filed under How To Guides
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
Many of us have recently gotten excited about the Jellybean Challenges in Webkinz World.  We have gathered information from several different sources to provide you with a little summary of how to determine which ‘range’ jar you have, how to narrow your jar within that range, and where everyone is tracking to help you along. We’ll be tracking during Jellybean Challenges right here on Gymbo’s on whatever is the ‘current’ post, and I will try to ‘tweet’ to everyone following me on twitter (twitter name momskinz).
First, you should view the jars on this site (click here) to determine which range jar you have. You will often see these refered to as the XXXX jar which is the first number in the range.
Next, you can check here on the current post at Gymbo’s Webkinz Blog and the Webkinz Insider Jellybean Tracking Thread (click here) for current winning numbers and narrowing.
When narrowing your jar, you can post the jar range, then NT (Narrowed To) meaning you have narrowed the range of the winning number further. To begin narrowing, you determine the midpoint of your range, add 200 to the midpoint, and enter that number as your first guess.
Here is how to interpret the result of your guess:
If you get “Oooo, that was close!” then your guess is 1-199 jellybeans off.
If you get “Not a bad guess!” then your guess is 200-499 jellybeans off.
If you get “You’ll need to be closer!” then your guess is 500-999 jellybeans off.
If you get “Wow, that was way off” then your guess is 1000 or more jellybeans off.
Using the method to above to interpret the answer, you narrow your range, find the midpoint of the new NT range, add 200 to the new midpoint, and enter that number as your second guess. That further narrows your jar based on the answer. Since your third and final guess will tell you ‘sorry’ if you don’t guess correctly, you should randomly guess any number in your NT range unless you are working on narrowing with someone else and can wait for a winning number.
The best guide I have found so far on the internet is EXOTERIC’s Jellybean Jar Challenge Guessing & Narrowing Chart on WI (click here).
Good luck & happy winning!

December 28, 2010 at 10:00 am · Filed under General, How To Guides, Trading
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
At Gymboutiques, we take the friendship, security, and well-being of everyone who visits here very seriously, and we have set-up guidelines in order to try to protect everyone here. As a reminder, everyone needs to read theÂ
Commenting, Trading, & Posting Etiquette & Guidelinesâ€Â Page in full BEFORE commenting on the blog!
We care about you and want to be sure that everyone participates in a spirit of kindness, friendship, and generosity!
To highlight a couple of areas:
*Do not post personal information. (Children should never post their age, grade in school, or city where they live.)
 *NEVER share account information. This opens up opportunities to scam and be scammed. You should also make sure your password is “obscure†and something that someone else could not figure out based on information that you might share on the blog.
 *Be polite. Prizes on contests are offered from the generosity of the people here. Please remember that even sending these prizes cost kinzcash and a lot of time, so be patient & gracious if you are lucky enough to receive a prize. Code prizes are purchased with our own money and given by the people here at the blog. Please do not attempt to “resale†or trade these codes. If you do, we reserve the right to invalidate the code, block you from the blog, disqualify you from contests, etc.
- No trading accounts. Someone can trade an account and still have access to it based on their original information even if you change the password. Please do not offer accounts for trade at all.
- No Auctions.
- Offer fair trades. Consult the WI GEV (Gift Exchange Value) when in doubt of the value of items offered in a trade.
-  Please allow others to complete trade negotiations before offering for an item that is already being negotiated in a trade with someone else. Please do not offer items already offered in an active/pending trade to someone else.
- If you are unsure about a trade, just say so . . . If you agree to trade, keep your word.
- People NOT on the trusted traders list should always send first.
- DO NOT offer items you really don’t want to trade or items you do not actually have!
- In order to protect the young people at this site we recommend no trading Codes and no trading through email – if you do trade through email it is at your own risk. Trading for pet codes can lead to hacking and should be done at your own risk! We ONLY recommend accepting pet codes from Gymbo, momskinz, or crazywebkinzchic for your own account security and always having a ‘secret’ account that you use for pet codes won in contests or through trades.
When in doubt, Ask an Admin (Gymbo, momskinz, or crazywebkinzchic)!Â
February 25, 2010 at 9:19 am · Filed under Chit Chat, How To Guides
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
As people are filling those jars, we are collecting more and more prizes from the Jumbleberry Fields game. Many of us have also had luck feeding berries to our pets! I am making a Jumbleberry Kitchen. What are you doing with your prizes?
The prizes seem to be awarded randomly based on the color of the berry. As a reminder, here are the non-food prizes by type of berry. :-) (I plan to add pictures later.)

October 6, 2008 at 10:22 pm · Filed under How To Guides
By Gymboutiques
From: Dog♥er
Trading Room Tips
A little jealousy here, a little jealousy there. You’ve heard of people getting great deals like, for example, white bunny ears (level 4 priceless) for a Floral Fox PSI. Wouldn’t you like to be the one with those kind of deals? Read the rest of this entry »
October 6, 2008 at 9:22 am · Filed under Chit Chat, General, How To Guides, Trading
By Gymboutiques
We have noticed a few trends here and wanted to make an update to the Guidelines. In order to protect the young people at this site we are recommending no trading through email – if you do trade through email it is at your own risk.
If you need to email admins (Gymbo, tmt, momskinz), you may do this for any exchange information if necessary – like trading codes. Or if you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to email us.
Please remember just because you think someone is an adult, even if they are on the “Trusted Traders” list, you should NEVER share personal information. Sharing of account information is not allowed on the blog and NEVER recommended for any reason.
At Gymboutiques, we take the safety, security, and well-being of everyone who visits here very seriously, and we have set-up guidelines in order to try to protect everyone here. For more information, please visit the Trading Etiquette, Posting & General Guidelines†page:
We care about you and want to be sure that anyone you contact via this blog is as concerned about your best interests and well being!
– Gymbo, tmt5, & momskinz