Archive for Webkinz Giveaway

Valentine’s Contest

February 13, 2018 at 9:27 am · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

As we move from Fat Tuesday to Valentine’s Day, let’s CELEBRATE!

We are giving away a Love Frog code for Valentine’s Day to 5 (yes FIVE) winners! Thank you shellybrayley for this generous donation!

Comment under this post through midnight Valentine’s Day for a chance to win! (I will use your email address on your comments to mail prizes.)

So if you were to make a custom Conversation Heart with two short words for someone in your life, what would it say???

Comments (89)

Pet a Day Giveaway Contest!

December 22, 2017 at 5:27 am · Filed under Chit Chat, Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By RubyCubes

Good morning my fine furry, feathered, and finned Kinz friends! Like many of you, in a few days, I will be gathered around a Christmas tree with my family enjoying the magic of the holiday. For us, Christmas, as a cultural tradition, is only part of the celebration. Throughout history, people of many different cultures and religions have celebrated the winter solstice and coming new year. For many ancient people, December 22nd marked the “rebirth” of the sun, as the amount of sunlight we experience each day gradually increases. And as we tuck 2017 into its bed and bid it farewell, we welcome the emergence of 2018.

When I reflect upon this past year, I’m very happy with where I am. I’ve been able to spend the majority of the year home with my husband and daughter. The work I’ve done outside the home has been interesting and rewarding. And I’ve made some great new friends here at Gymbos! We’ve had some very cold temperatures and a few light flurries, but no accumulation of SNOW YET. I wonder how long that will last! If 2018 is as good as 2017, I will be very pleased. Not all years have been so good. If 2018 goes as planned, we will get more work done on our house, my husband and I will celebrate our 13th wedding anniversary, my daughter will learn to drive a car and enter college two years early, and I will still be posting here at Gymbos! How do you feel about 2017? What are your hopes and goals for 2018?

To celebrate the friendships I’ve made here, I’m hosting A PET A DAY GIVEAWAY CONTEST from now until the new year! Yes, you read that right! Each day, through January 1st, a new pet code will be offered to one lucky winner! Here’s how this works. Every day I will post at least once, maybe multiple times. Somewhere in my post (or posts) will be the name of the pet I’m giving away that day. There are no duplicates! The name of the pet may be obvious, or it may be hidden within my post (or posts). The challenge is to figure out which pet I’m giving away that day. The first person each day to post the correct pet will win the new code.

Rules to play: You must post your guess here on this forum the same day. I am on EST. I will try to post clues early in the day. They may even be posted late the night before (after 12 AM EST). As long as the entry with the correct pet is posted by 2:59 AM EST (11:59 AM PST) that same day, you win! Also, you must have established email communication with Momskinz. I will email the code to her, and she will forward it to the winner. If nobody has guessed the correct pet by the end of the day, I keep the code. I will not offer any clues! (although I may be bribed for clues with ice cream)

There is a total of 11 pet codes up for grabs over the next 11 days, so I will not limit the number of codes each person can win. However, please remember that we are a generous community of friends! Instead of trying to win as many codes as possible, please share with others. You are welcome to help each other out with clues! If any individual is winning excessively, I retain the right to place limits on that individual (hopefully that won’t be an issue). Also, if you like another pet more than the one you won, and another winner likes yours more than theirs, feel free to trade codes! I want this to be fun, entertaining, and rewarding! So let the games begin! 😀

Also, if you kept your wish list fairly up-to-date, I’ve been shopping for you. Several months ago, I dedicated rooms in my WW house to each of you. Low key creepy, I know, but quite a few of you have your own rooms in my house, and I’ve been stuffing your rooms as full as I can with items from your wish lists. Some of you are REALLY hard to shop for because you only have a few items on your list! Others have multiple rooms full of stuff! I’ve sent gifts to each of you today. There will be more to follow for some of you over the next 10 days, so check your accounts and keep your wish lists updated!

For our new members, WELCOME! I have not had a chance to shop for you, but stick around and keep posting, and I’ll keep your wish list in mind for future opportunities.

Yes, it is after 5:00 AM here. No, I’m not an early bird like Gagagee (are you off for holiday vacation now???)! I’m just now heading to bed. I will check in when I wake up. Have a great weekend everyone! 😀

Comments (75)


December 7, 2017 at 12:00 am · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Celebrating 10 Years of Gymbo’s Webkinz Blog!!!
with special guests Gymboutiques & GymBob!

Comments (213)

Back to School

August 25, 2017 at 9:00 am · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Some people have already gone back to school & others will start in early September. Some people love the routine, and some people dread the schedule. Which one are you?

To celebrate and wrap up summer, we are going to host a comment contest with some generous prizes donated by a Secret Santa.

2017 Summer Super Mystery Bags
2017 Summer Mystery Clothing Bags
Surprising Storage
Toadstool Hollow ?? Boxes
Wild Piglet
Toadstool Frog

Comment under this post with your favorite things about summer & chat for for more opportunities to win!

Comments (112)

Christmas in July

July 22, 2017 at 11:59 pm · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

Not only have we been so fortunate to have an amazing SantaLurker to spoil us this month, but we also have a VERY generous Secret Santakinz who has provided us with an abundance of codes for Christmas giving!!! But that’s not all … several elves have stepped in with even more gifts of codes and pixels to join the celebration of Gymbo’s

So what do you need to do? Here are the instructions:

  • Add Kinzheads to your WW friends list. We WILL NOT add you, so add us now or we will pass gifts for anyone missing from our friend’s list on to someone else.
  • Include your WWID in your name on all of your comments. For example:  momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)
  • Use your email address that is hidden behind your login or comment where you will receive any code gifts.
  • Be prepared to email momskinz to claim your prize! Instructions will be provided, and you will have a limited time to respond. Check back here on the blog often this week.
  • Comment and chat as usual! Be respectful and appreciative of our Santas and elves. We will have some random comment prizes as well as gifts, and our goal is try to give everyone who comments here some Christmas Cheer!

*ends 11:59 pm ET on 7/25/17



Comments (312)

Spring Winners!

March 20, 2017 at 6:57 pm · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

These are the winners for the “Spring” comment contest! Gagagee wanted to give me a choice of the calves as a gift, but I wanted to see what would happen. In the random numbers, I would have won twice anyway, so I kept myself as a winner & submitted for a new random number to get the final winner!

momskinz – Lil Green Spring Calf
zingyginger – Lil Purple Spring Calf
Mimzy – Mystery Bag
KinzGramAtHeart – Lil Yellow Spring Calf

We will go in this order to select prizes; however, you only have 24 hours to respond in a comment on this post with your prize selection or we go to the next person!!!  All winners also need to email me with your selection as the subject of the email to claim your code!

As a reminder, the prizes are eStore 2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag code (donated by AmberRose) or Lil Purple Spring Calf, Lil Green Spring Calf, or Lil Yellow Spring Calf (donated by gagagee). Thank you AmberRose & gagagee!!!




Comments (100)

Lil Spring Calf Choices

March 17, 2017 at 9:22 am · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway, Webkinz PSI/PSF
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

The Lil Spring Calves are in the eStore for Deluxe Wednesday. They are so cute! What is your favorite? What are your name ideas? Each Lil Spring Calf comes with a Sweet Wagon Bed PSI &  Calf Cake Pop PSF – they come in Purple, Green, & Yellow as shown here.

Comment on this post for a chance to win an eStore 2017 Spring Super Mystery Bag code (donated by AmberRose) or Lil Calf code (donated by gagagee) by using the codeword “spring” in your comments.






Comments (92)


October 14, 2016 at 2:45 pm · Filed under Contests, Webkinz Giveaway
By momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz)

We have some real winners here at Gymbo’s! No, really – WINNERS!

To claim your prizes, please email momskinz with the prize you won as the subject! Special THANKS to gagagee & TLL for donating the prize codes!

The WINNERS of the 2016 Fall Super Mystery Bag codes are as follows:

1. 58 – Boper – claimed
2. 95 – crazywebkinzchic – claimed
3. 64 – shellybrayley – claimed
4. 47 – Lee-Ann – claimed
5. 11 – AmberRose – claimed


And the WINNER of the estore Gargowl pet code is — DEE! (claimed)







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