Pinky’s Big Adventure Challenge
Pinky’s Big Adventure Arcade Challenge 1/22 – 2/11
3 prizes: Bee Helmet *new*, Hungry Hog Floor Tile *new*, & Bee Buddy
Pinky’s Big Adventure Arcade Challenge 1/22 – 2/11
3 prizes: Bee Helmet *new*, Hungry Hog Floor Tile *new*, & Bee Buddy
1 Miracle (pet4mom/ghost rainforest 1) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 7:49 am
Good morning! Happy Monday!
Thanks for all of the codes lately! And for the Winter clothing line recipes! I can’t get over how fast you all are at figuring those out. But it’s one of the things I like to do right away … buy the winter clothing line, look on gymbos to see if you all have cracked the recipes (you have), make the special clothes, file them away in my Webkinz room filing system. Checking that off the list gives me my tiny dose of dopamine for the morning. 🙂
Speaking of Webkinz clothing … I missed getting the Pink Beanie Cap last Wednesday morning because they were doing maintenance, and I forgot to log in to get it that night when I got home. Did anyone happen to get an extra? Not a big deal, but I kind of like getting some of those old clothes that I missed the first time around.
Okay, so now Red Lobster biscuits are on my mind. They are the best! I have no willpower when people talk about food. I’ll be reading a book about someone eating an apple, and I immediately want to get up and go get one. I’m sure it’s a disorder of some kind … 🙂
I’m on a spring cleaning spree lately … part of my annual New Year’s resolutions about cleaning out the house, but this time, I think I’ve figured out a good system. Not sure if it is the result of cancer or just getting old, but I have a lot of brain cells in the morning, fewer in the afternoon, and pretty much none in the evening … so by the time I get home, I have very little left to give. So, I talked to my supervisor about coming in a little later in the day (my classes are afternoon anyway), so now I have an hour in the morning to work on the house, sell off junk on eBay, straighten a drawer, etc. It has made a world of difference. I am super happy with the progress I’ve made in just a few weeks. Latest book I’m reading … Lose the Clutter, Lose the Weight, by Peter Walsh. Not quite ready to be a minimalist, but ready to live lighter. I’ll keep you all posted! 🙂
Loved the snow days off school! We were closed Monday, Tuesday, and Friday. But ready to go back today. Right in the middle of exams for the students, so I’m sure they were happy for extra days to study.
Have a great day, everyone!
2 gagagee said,
January 22, 2024 @ 8:39 am
Good Morning All !
Miracle .. nice to see you ! I am really impressed by your motivation to get up and work on the house.. Wish I had some of your energy and motivation… may have to read the book ! It was nice you have been able to adjust your schedule a bit to provide with an extra hour at home in the morning. Will check for the Pink Beanie Cap…
April… SO happy for you !!! the fans of Detroit Lions and the victory yesterday.
It was such a good game and although I felt bad for Baker… the Lions deserved the win… Will be cheering for them next week as they face the 49’s !
Happy there will soon be a break in these frigid temperatures… So ready for a heat wave ! ( LOL )
dee.. Thanks for the NEXT tip on getting the Academy points ! It worked and thankfully did not have the Piano class this morning.
moms.. I hope your Mississippi son gets some warmer weather !
Next week’s match ups should be fun… Ravens vs KC will be interesting and most likely a close game… Will be pulling for KC ! Hopefully it will be a Lions vs KC in the Super Bowl… Would really love if we could all get together and watch the game ! dee.. could bring the snacks !
Long awaited doctor’s appointment this morning.. Have waited four months and that was moved up from next month which would have been five months.
Ridiculous… My brother in law is coming this morning to check my furnace… Hated to ask him but hopefully he can take care of the problem… He was not in favor of calling either of the companies I had planned to call !
cmpets.. Glad your job is going ok… always interesting to get to know coworkers and their quirks… Hopefully you will find something that you are interested in for your future career… Just a stepping stone for both you and your dd !
Hope you all are well and have a good day !
Yay for the Lions/ April !!
3 cmpets said,
January 22, 2024 @ 11:58 am
Good Morning
Rainy day here. Have lots to do, so will be nice to be inside all day.
miracle- I have an extra beanie, I don’t think we are friends in ww, but will add you and send.
I have a hard time buying “stuff” now that we went through everything and sold off a lot last year. That’s part of what took me so long to get a couch and dining table once we got back, I just do not want to do that process again. But obviously we need some furniture. I did get furniture I am not attached to since I know this place is temporary and we will move in August.
My parents are going through their house as well. They have more stuff, so taking them a long time. They are trying to move to Tennessee by Summer, which is motivating them, happy about that as they should have done this years ago.
gaga- Hope the doc appointment and furnace go well today
Better go log in to my accounts now before I get side tracked. And good reminder on the clothing recipes, I do forget those sometimes.
4 dee said,
January 22, 2024 @ 12:03 pm
there is this brighy shiny thing in the sky
not sure what it is, making the snow and ice melt tho
5 dee said,
January 22, 2024 @ 12:05 pm
there are lots of auction/estate sale businesses around here that will come in and sort out your crap and sell it for commision
some are fancy, but most are not
might go to one on friday
did you decide where in TN?
6 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 3:47 pm
hello! gotta catch up
but i did go to the stupid dumb grocery store today, so yay me 🙄
7 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 5:12 pm
miracle – good for you on figuring out a more productive schedule & cleaning out the clutter – i need to do more of that, i thought i did a pretty good job in the move, but there’s still just so much “stuff”
just seeing you talk about red lobster biscuits again made me want them even more 😆
gaga – hope the dr appointment went well & your bil was able to fix your furnace – our problem recently was the condensation pump quit working, so a relatively easy replacement – whew!
football should be fun for the rest of the season, i admire lamar jackson so much, but i’ve never liked the ravens – i’ll be pulling for KC & detroit & hope Detroit wins it all this year
cmpets – ahhhh – must be a bit of relief seeing your parents cleaning out 🙂 i loved each time my mom down sized because it helped us purge ♥
dee – congrats on finally thawing!
8 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 5:13 pm
i made a post about the winter clothing line but haven’t posted it:
Fancy Winter Jacket = Pinstripe Pants + Textured Knit Hat + Lumberjack Shirt
Winter Onesie = Ocean Wave Sweater + Camo Puffer + Laced Winter Boots
9 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 5:23 pm
Miracle – i sent you the pink beanie cap
hopefully you don’t get a billion of them 😆
10 cmpets said,
January 22, 2024 @ 6:02 pm
Thanks for sending that to Miracle moms, I had already sent the friend request, so maybe next time.
dee-If we end up there, will be near Nashville for sure. we would probably rent for a year and explore areas to see where to buy. My parents plan on being further east and a bit south where their friends are. They will be about 2 hours from there, and that would be a good thing in our case. Our relationship currently is good, and hoping it remains that way, but definitely has had some ups and downs.
I know everyone there is so sick of the Californians moving, so not expecting a warm welcome lol
11 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 7:35 pm
cmpets – we have sold 2 houses to californians moving here – love it! 😆
12 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 22, 2024 @ 8:23 pm
i scored 21/75 kc on pinky’s, so i guess this challenge won’t be too bad, but also not sure i’ll want to complete it more than once . . .
13 gagagee said,
January 23, 2024 @ 6:47 am
Good Morning !
Farmers Day !
dee… Yay for some sunshine ! Freezing rain here this morning but supposed to warm up a bit more by noon…
moms.. I am pulling for the Lions all the way but never liked Ravens since the Browns were moved to Baltimore by former owner ! Our city was without a team for several years… I really liked the pulmonologist … soft spoken and not pushing me to do a lot of screenings ! Agreed to one… My brother in law was able to temporarily fix the furnace.. hopefully will get through this winter and will replace both A/C and furnace in the spring… Both are original and have served me well for 22 years…. Appointment with new dentist this morning for one filling… then hopefully done for 6 months… He mentioned a couple other potential issues but I feel like crossing one bridge at a time… not interesting in fixing something that is broken yet… Great score for Pinky’s adventure… don’t really mind the game and it goes quick so not sure how many accounts I will do.
cmpets… Good luck with planning your move… August will be here before you know it !
Stopped in to see the gang in the Pain Clinic after doctor’s appointment.. several new faces.. chatted with the doctor and was so nice to see him and catch up with all the goings on in the department… Cafeteria has been closed for dine in since Christmas due to renovation… Hopefully will reopen soon and I can go in and have lunch on a day when my old coworkers are working..
Hope you all have a good day !
14 Miracle (pet4mom/ghost rainforest 1) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 7:10 am
Good morning! Happy Tuesday!
You guys are the best. 🙂 I got 2 of the pink beanie cap (thx moms & gaga!). And I love the little items you both sent along! I’ll try to send something back equally as fun. I got a few cute pets for Christmas, so maybe you don’t have that food yet. 🙂
Always happy to have a new friend, cmpets!
I think having the extra hour in the morning helps because I know I only have an hour. Having a limited time makes me work faster, I think. If I had a whole day, I would probably stretch it out, decide to read first, or take a nap … LOL. I’ve been walking on the treadmill for a few minutes each morning to wake up, and today my knee was clicking, so I kept it short. not ready for knee problems yet. So random.
Sounds like everyone’s dream is building a cabin in the TN mountains! I would do it in a heartbeat! I think they don’t have a state income tax, is that correct?
Next book … Keep the Memories, Lose the Stuff, by Matt Paxton. That one is an audio book I am listening to on my commute to work. I *AM* that person who can’t let go because someone special gave something to me. The book is like therapy, so I’m hopeful.
Thanks for the Pinky encouragement. I get tired of that game after about 5 minutes, but for new prizes, will persevere. 🙂
Loved the bright, shiny thing in the sky yesterday. Supposed to be 65 degrees here this weekend. I can’t wait! Have a great day, everyone!
15 dee said,
January 23, 2024 @ 10:35 am
off for hairapy
16 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 11:29 am
I am here! LOL!
I took a break from a lot of things after cataract surgery (which was successful, by the way). For those that are in that category of considering cataract surgery, there are several choices to make. For me, I went the standard route which was the least expensive and insurance covered part of it (still pricey). The other options would have meant $1,000’s out of our pocket, but if I had chosen those may have been able to do away with glasses. Oh well. I think I made the right decision for me. Another surgery coming up in Feb. on the other eye.
17 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 11:43 am
Last week was a different kind of a week! SNOW and more SNOW, but not very much compared to our northern friends. Maybe a little over 4 inches total?
I read over the last few days, but not sure I can comment on everything. 😉
Welcome to pluedib! Thanks for introducing yourself! I was introduced to Webkinz by two of my youngest kids (out of 5). And it stuck. My one dd still is a fan, but rarely plays so I manage her account.
Gaga – Glad you have a “fix” for your furnace for now! I hate to tell you and all of those who don’t like the Ravens, but I’m routing for the Ravens. Primarily because I have kiddos in that area that are avid Raven fans. So…..that said, you really know that I’m not an avid football fan. But I want my kiddos to be happy! I also want my friends to be happy, which means I’m quite in the middle! LOL!
I need to add a pet to my son-in-law’s account, so I’m thinking of naming it Lamar Jackson. Usually he names the pets that are added. One time I named one of his pets and he wasn’t happy with my choice. Yet he really hasn’t showed interest in Webkinz now that his dd is a teen. As you can tell, I manage his account, too.
Moms – The pic of Humphrey is absolutely adorable! ♥
Miracle – I think it was you that mentioned a book you are reading and it made me think of one that I’m almost done with called “Things That Matter” by Joshua Becker (a minimalist). I’m so far from being a minimalist, and to be honest, I’m not sure that I want to be. Yet I see the value of getting rid of stuff and letting go of things that aren’t being used.
Someone mentioned Red Lobster (Dee?). Ours closed down during Covid. The last time I visited Red Lobster (about 3 or 4 years ago – during the covid era) in a different area, the quality of food was not all that impressive and the server was absolutely not engaged with us.
18 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 11:48 am
I can’t remember the biscuits…..
And now I want a biscuit!
And the player appreciation bow says purple, but it looks navy blue to me. Maybe my eyes are playing tricks on me? I see color differently now since the surgery….at least initially when my eyes were really dilated. But I am not noticing it as much now. But I find that I can’t match purple things with that bow. I do like the bow with the plaid pants we got on Sunday with log-in!
19 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 12:23 pm
qos – i thought the same thing about the bow! looks navy not purple to me too
also, so glad to see you back, i wondered if you had to limit your screen time or might have to squint to read the blog or something until you heal 🙂
thanks for the farmer’s market reminder gaga! so is your friend from the cafeteria getting some time off with the renovation? she is going to need valentines nails, isn’t she??? 🙂
20 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 12:23 pm
can’t wait to hear if dee’s hairapy results in changes!!!!
21 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 2:41 pm
I didn’t have many restrictions, but I was very glad that I had the ability to remain low key. Couldn’t drive the next day. No heavy lifting for a week. Don’t submerge head in water (showers okay). And I have eyedrops (2 bottles), 4 x daily for the first week and then decreasing each week for 4 weeks. It will be confusing once I add the next surgery….but I was given a really nice chart to fill in with each drop. I mainly rested.
Yeah….looking forward to hearing about Dee’s hairapy!
I missed one of the spree days, but I checked my docks and had the item that I would have gotten, so all is good.
I missed one of the NEXT days, but it was before the next season. So all good there, too.
22 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 23, 2024 @ 2:43 pm
Good to know about the color, Moms! I was really starting to wonder about my eyes!
23 dee said,
January 23, 2024 @ 4:57 pm
hairapy went well
did an all over color to hide the gray and some highlights.
darker than i was thinking, but that is due to some highlights versus all over my head. was not feeling it at salon, but once i got home to my own mirror
me likey. dh did not notice, so nothing too drastic
i even let her cut a half inch off
if i knew how to do a selfie, i would send on to moms
24 gagagee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 8:01 am
Good Morning All !
dee… happy you liked your hair ! Guess you must have decided not to do a major change…
moms.. Deciding to try another dentist… although he was quick and efficient with filling the cavity… he left the room and I was in the process of scheduling a cleaning when he came back in and sat down to discuss the other needed work ! That kind of sealed the deal for me…. I just don’t believe that only a month ago I left my long time dentist with one cavity and am now told I need at least three major procedures. I am very skeptical particularly because my former dentist had told me to be careful in choosing a new dentist because many of these dental clinic find many ways to increase your bill ! The new dentist may be very good but I just don’t have the trust. My cafeteria friend’s job was changed to pots and pans scrubber… I think her boss may have felt she spends too much time visiting with the nurses during lunch ! ( LOL ) She only works a three hour shift and needs to stay focused on the tasks at hand… She will be heading on vacation with her parents so I am thinking beach toes for our next trip to have her toes done.
Sheba… Happy you are doing so well after your cataract removal.. Hopefully the other eye goes equally as smoothly. I didn’t think the ” purple bow ” looked purple either ! I was also a little disappointed that it wasn’t the big bow that you get in some of the crackers.
Vacuum cleaner broke yesterday …. and since I am OCD when it comes to vacuuming I hope to replace it today… Nothing fancy .. something lightweight and does a good job…
Miracle… Hope your knee clicking has stopped and you can continue walking the treadmill ! Signing up at the local Y is on my to do list… Not able to get out and walk with such cold weather.. not to mention the snow and ice…One day at a time for me…
April… Are you still walking on cloud 9 since the victory ? ! I think we are all looking forward to upcoming weekend and the games…Hopefully your weather has warmed up enough so Stella can get out and run in the yard again !
Hope you all have a good day !
Deluxe Wednesday not yet open… but looks like fireplaces !
25 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 8:15 am
xpires January 31, 2024
Frightening Lightning Window Code from Podkinz Mini
w244 a5z2 bv37 8q8a
11/1 email code from harvest butterfly estore page
26 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 8:16 am
27 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 8:16 am
i restuck the panda on here, because i know that if i do not see it, i do not do it
28 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 8:18 am
gaga honey
since i was born blonde, this is a major change for me
29 gagagee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 9:26 am
Sorry dee… just thought you were getting cut shorter… I am sure it looks very nice !
Panda playground doesn’t seem to work anymore.
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 12:50 pm
dee – i want to see! take a photo of yourself! or have dh do it & do not tell him why – let’s see how long before he realizes . . . 🙂
i thought the panda thing was only 3 days – i quit doing it???
gaga – beach toes sound cute too! awww, she was moved for being too chatty/friendly – her boss can lighten up a little 😛 i went through so many vacuums, but i love having a roomba now – i probably have it scheduled too often, but that’s part of why i love it – keeps the floors clean all the time
31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 12:54 pm
yep deluxe wed is just a sale on fireplaces *sigh*
32 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 12:56 pm
gaga – i switched dentists at one point & got one that “sold denistry” – unfortunately i wasted some time & money before i caught on to what was happening & changed again, i hate that it is hard to find one that doesn’t try to take advantage
33 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 1:34 pm
I totally missed the click on the playground event!
Dee – Nice you are happy with your hair. I’ve never had highlights added, although I have “natural” (grey) highlights! LOL
Gaga – I would feel the same way that you feel about your new dentist! 3 other procedures needed???? Really? That seems crazy! Especially since your old dentist didn’t bring up those issues.
Moms – Does the Roomba work on carpets? Or just on hardwood/uncarpeted floors?
Gaga – Do you have carpet?
I’m asking because my husband wants to get rid of all of our carpet to “keep up with the latest”. I just happen to like carpeted floors in my living area & bedrooms.
34 Queen of Sheba (WWID: Royalmajesty) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 1:35 pm
Dee – I can’t believe your dh didn’t notice the change in your hair!
35 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 4:37 pm
i have two piggys done
debating on whether to do a third
sheba, the only thing he notices is food
36 dee said,
January 24, 2024 @ 4:41 pm
we did the carpet debate when we moved in here. i wanted in bedrooms and the rest wood floors……….not real wood with our life.
i won. if i do not have carpet to step on when i wake up, it better be a nice rug. SIL recommended on our wood floors to put carpet pads under our rugs for that lovely squish factor…………smart lady! i have several rugs with us moving and needing new size, but old was too nice etc.
some are furnishing a dumpy apt in boston even! ha ha ha
i will try to figure out a pic of some kind. somehow. hoping moms editing skills work out
and i like it more today. altho, i showered and put it up into a bun
37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
January 24, 2024 @ 5:32 pm
my roomba does all surfaces – i don’t like carpet because i feel like it is always dirty, but i do have it
38 april1013 said,
January 24, 2024 @ 6:14 pm
gaga—Thanks gaga! Yes, still on cloud 9 for sure! All my social media feeds are nothing but the Lions. LOL Everyone I know is so excited. DH’s friend was at the game on Sunday. He said it was the absolute best game he’s ever been too. The 49ers are going to be a huge challenge, but win or lose, they already have come so far and we are so happy and proud of them! The temps finally broke here too. The 30s feel like a heat wave! LOL Stella and I have gotten out for several walks. And she got to ‘say hi’ chase the deer away from the fence today. Glad to hear you like your new doc and your bro in law was able to fix your furnace at least temporarily. I hope you can find a new dentist you like. Thank you so much for the goodies!!! Sent some your way today.
miracle—That’s awesome you were able to get that extra time in the morning! I also need to motivate myself to decluttering. I too am that person that hangs on to so much stuff because it was moms or someone one special. I always feel like I’m throwing them and our memories away.
dee—Thanks for the academy tip! It worked great! Glad your hairapy day went well and you like the results. I laughed at dh didn’t notice. I went several shades all over darker my last visit and my dh didn’t notice at all.
cmpets—Happy to help if I can! 🙂
moms—I also still want Red Lobster biscuits. lol. Oh, my heart if the Lions won it all this year!
Sheba—Happy to hear the surgery was successful! Yes! that bow is navy blue not purple.
Hi to all I missed!