Deluxe Day
Deluxe Day is Friday, October 19th!
Once again, Deluxe Members will be able to log in and visit Today’s Activities to receive this special prize, the Haunted Hotel Couch! Also on the Today’s Activity schedule, there will be an entire day of fun and activities for Deluxe Members to enjoy!
1 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 18, 2018 @ 4:20 pm
Deluxe day is tomorrow! For those wondering, today is NOT Friday. LOL
2 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 18, 2018 @ 4:20 pm
Remember to enter this & the other codes from the
Community Codes Page
last updated: 10/18/18
3 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 18, 2018 @ 4:31 pm
can i just say how much i love these lil goblins?
i named them Squeamish (orange), Grody (purple), & Booger (green)
4 Otterkinz (WWID luna101217, FloppyBunny40110, BigTop71) said,
October 18, 2018 @ 5:02 pm
Hello everyone!
Hi gaga and moms! Thank you for the well wishes! I appreciate it more than you know. I’m hanging in there… And moms, your message was good for my ♥. I will try to stop by more often. Congrats on your Mellow Yellow room being featured on Webkinz Newz by the way and great goblin names!
Hope everyone is doing well this Thursday evening…
XO, Otterkinz
5 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 18, 2018 @ 5:22 pm
The ORANGE GOBLIN clubhouse room is up on Asian accounts & giving the orange prizes!!! Green pouches still floating though.

Goblin Clubhouse room prizes:
floaty prizes are the goblin food or one of these:

6 bepsy aka bepoodlepal said,
October 18, 2018 @ 5:27 pm
Speaking of goblins, I didn’t manage to get one of the green chairs, and I was wondering if someone would be willing to trade one for the lamp or something else.
7 bepsy aka bepoodlepal said,
October 18, 2018 @ 5:27 pm
I also got an extra trampoline
8 dee said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:00 pm
cough cough cough cough cough
re the haunted hotel couch if anyone gets a spare please!
and because i DID think it was friday!
and kroger has ground sirloin for 3.25 a pound………i bought two pounds today and gonna get two more tomorrow………i am using one for chili and the rest are getting packed up in my little tupperware burger thingamajigs
9 dee said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:01 pm
and i saw a house i want to buy………sadly it is far away. but perfect for me and dh! it has water and septic…………not sure about electricity………but perfect!!!
in northern michigan, but……….perfect! ha ha ha ha ha
10 PumaPardus said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:06 pm
Bepsy- Green Mushroom chair, coming up! Check your mail!
11 PumaPardus said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:07 pm
Dee, do you want my couch? I don’t like the hotel theme, or haunted anything. I’ll pop it over as soon as I claim it.
12 dee said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:09 pm
bepsy -sent……….just keep me in mind please if you get extra of the alleged mummy costume……….i am not sure what they are giving out
PUMA – gasp!
halloween is usually my fave ww time……….this year not so much with the offerings………….
someone remind me to get moms to post my zombie infirmary
13 bepsy aka bepoodlepal said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:13 pm
thnx so much for the chairs!!
no mummy yet dee, but will do.
14 PumaPardus said,
October 18, 2018 @ 6:19 pm
I’ll take fall all year ’round. But spooky creepy haunted things? No thanks! I’m 100% weenie, and so are my ‘kinz LOL
15 Emma104 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 8:05 pm
Puma and Choco I sent you friend requests because I would like to send you some items on your trading wish list!
16 Emma104 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 8:20 pm
Hi April, I have Precious Pest Slippers I would be happy to send you, would you happen to have the Tawny Dog Ears to trade?
17 Chococat663 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 9:05 pm
Emma – I accepted it. That’s very kind of you, is there anything you’re looking for at the moment?
18 PumaPardus said,
October 18, 2018 @ 9:20 pm
Hi Emma! I wondered if that was you! 🙂 Accepted!
19 RubyCubes said,
October 18, 2018 @ 9:25 pm
Hi everyone!
Emma – I sent both spider slippers to April yesterday, I think. She probably hasn’t had a chance to update her wish list. Just letting you know so that duplicates aren’t sent.
Moms – Congrats on having your room featured! It’s lovely!
Chococat – Hugs! You sound so stressed. I feel for you! My daughter is in her first semester of college, and she is finding it more challenging than she realized it would be. She is buried in papers to write. When you have that much stress, it can make other stresses in life even more difficult. I hope you have someone close that you can talk to and confide in.
Gaga – I hope that you are well and that things are improving at work!
April – I’m so sorry to hear about Diesel. I think of my furry babies as my children. I can imagine the pain you’re enduring. You and your family are in my thoughts.
TMT – Thank you for putting together the Discord group. I’ve never used it, but my daughter uses Discord for an online RPG game that she plays. I went to the link and registered. I don’t know if I will use it, but it’s worth checking out!
Someone sent me a code for a purple goblin a week or so ago. Thank you SO much! I named him Gob Zombie. I’m thinking about buying an orange goblin and naming him Gobald Trump.
Everyone – please remember to keep your wish lists updated! I check them periodically. If the date that it was last updated is more than a month or so, I don’t look at them. Also, if I see items still on there that I know I’ve sent, I won’t send because I know it’s not current. Even if your wish list hasn’t changed, update the date now and then. When I’m in the trading room, I will try to trade for some of those hard to get items and send them your way!
Hugs everyone!
20 Emma104 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 9:27 pm
Choco, the only item I am looking for right now are the Tawny Dog Ears that were a deluxe appreciation gift…searching for them brought me to this awesome blog! Enjoy the items!
21 Chococat663 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 9:46 pm
Emma – Thank you! I have a pair of tawny dog ears that I just tried sending you, but it looks like they aren’t kinzpostable. Bummer. Anything else you need?
22 Emma104 said,
October 18, 2018 @ 10:07 pm
Oh, I did not realize they could not be sent! Maybe someday they will be. Thank you for trying….no need to send anything! Glad to help your wish list!
23 Emma104 said,
October 19, 2018 @ 12:42 am
Hi Momskinz- sent you a friend request….have a gift for you!
24 Queen of Sheba said,
October 19, 2018 @ 2:24 am
Welcome, Emma!
Puma – How amazing that your mom came across all of those Webkinz pets! Are you getting more than the one that you ordered? The next time I go to MI I will have to look up that store! 😉
Also, the recipe for Chicken, Spinach & Pasta Bake looks delicious, Puma! I’ll have to try that one!
Choco – Sorry about all the stress! Hope you get some relief soon!
tmt5 & moms – Thanks for posting the code!
25 Queen of Sheba said,
October 19, 2018 @ 2:34 am
I probably wouldn’t use Discord because I don’t have a mic & headphone set. Not techie at all so I don’t know that I understand how these things work.
26 gagagee said,
October 19, 2018 @ 5:42 am
Good Morning !
Finally Friday !! SO Happy !
RubyCube.. so nice to see you ! Hope you are doing well !
dee.. still looking for the mummy costume… pretty sure I have one..
will have more time this weekend to check my closets !
tmt… thanks for the info on Discord… not techy either but will look into it…
Still looking to win the lottery and and would love to plan a Gymbos members
get a way… and be able to meet each of you in person !!! Lottery up to almost a billion for tonight !! You never know… it only takes one ticket !
Hope you all have a good day !
27 Miracle (WWID: pet4mom) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 6:26 am
Happy Friday!!!!
You guys! It was Christmas in my inbox yesterday! Thank you, Ruby, Puma, and Gaga for the items from my wish list! I am DYING to find some time to plug all of the items into my rooms. Praying for a nice quiet Saturday morning tomorrow.
I still have to catch up on my gymbos reading. And I think I may have missed some goblin items, but not sure because I can’t find where they are supposed to be in my dock. I finally found some creek tiles under furniture, but I can’t remember what things are named and there are so many things in the dock … need more time to get organized!
I would love to see some goblin room ideas! Anyone know how they are going to use their items yet?
Gotta run! Hopefully, see you all tomorrow!
28 dee said,
October 19, 2018 @ 8:21 am
hey peeps
I am NOT seeking a mummy costume………i am curious what th mummy costume is that is being given out………….to verify that i do have it…….
so please, do NOT send me mummy costumes
tried to type that nicely…….so do not be peeved if it did not come out right
29 dee said,
October 19, 2018 @ 8:45 am
Home before dark is game of the day……………….so finish them halloween challenges!!!
30 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:01 am
good morning!
hello everyone! i’m excited for the orange prizes now
miracle – i will try to remember to add names to those pics i posted in an earlier comment – that always helps!
emma – i could have sworn i had an code for those ears, but it wasn’t showing up in my search the other day, i’ll go back and find the date & search the old fashioned way
31 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:06 am
& regarding names – i wish GANZ would name things Mushroom Pouch orange, Mushroom Pouch green, etc. so sets would show up together in the dock …
that would help SOOOOOOOO much!
32 PumaPardus said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:32 am
Queen of Sheba- I’m trying to balance between “Eeeeeee Webkinz actually in a STOREEEEEE” and “some of these might be a little cheaper online if I search a bit” and also I LOVE that store so much (I used to work in the fish department for years), and I want to give them all the money to support the business. At the same time I need to be a frugal smart shopper as well. 😉 So I’m thinking hard about getting a couple that maybe I can’t find readily available and so affordably online- spice cat for example. Maybe I’ll ask if they can order a Misty Puppy, as well, but I might have mom pick up the King Schnauzer, Butterscotch Bunny, and Leopard Cub.
I hope you get to go visit. It’s such a great fun store full of wonderful animals, beautiful pet enclosures (tanks, cages, and such), knowledgeable, kind people, and of course- WEBKINZ! 🙂
33 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:34 am
I believe these are the item names from the Goblin event. Let me know if I need to correct anything, please.
Purple Mushroom Trampoline*
Orange Mushroom Trampoline*
Green Mushroom Trampoline*
Purple Mushroom Chair*
Orange Mushroom Chair*
Green Mushroom Chair*
Curved Purple Creek Tile*
Curved Orange Creek Tile*
Curved Green Creek Tile*
Straight Purple Creek Tile*
Straight Orange Creek Tile*
Straight Green Creek Tile*
Purple Mushroom Lamp*
Orange Mushroom Lamp*
Green Mushroom Lamp*
Purple Goblin Pouch
Orange Goblin Pouch
Green Goblin Pouch
Purple Goblin Plushy
Orange Goblin Plushy
Green Goblin Plushy
Purple Ooze Carpet
Orange Ooze Carpet
Green Ooze Puddle
* from Goblin Clubhouse Room
(other items from floating goblin pouches)
34 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:38 am
I can NEVER repay you for your gifts!!! OH MY GOODNESS – THANK YOU!!!
35 PumaPardus said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:52 am
WOW, Moms, now I wonder what Ruby sent you! 🙂
Thanks Ruby for the gifts!! I always try to keep my list updated, and you’ve been giving my list a workout! It’s been like Christmas this week! You sure are great at digging up the obscure! :3
Dee what account do you want the couch shunted to? 🙂 You can have ALL the hauntings in your kinz house 😉
36 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 10:54 am
puma is making me laugh!
i’m more into halloween now that i have a kiddo with a halloween birthday 😉 such a blessed day for us, that we take it all in fun, but he especially doesn’t like anything too spooky LOL
ruby sent me a big wish of mine … ruby? is it okay to share or would you prefer us to enjoy our gifts more subtly?
37 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 10:57 am
EMMA! I found a code for the ears!!! Searching today worked. Please email me so I can make sure I send to the correct email address. yay!!!
38 PumaPardus said,
October 19, 2018 @ 11:13 am
No worries if it makes you or Ruby uncomfortable. 🙂 I know your list has things on it that I knew I could never hope to find for you, and I’m awed and impressed that Ruby managed to come across some of them!
39 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 12:05 pm
i’m not uncomfortable – i’m tickled!!!
40 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 12:05 pm
41 Cheese said,
October 19, 2018 @ 12:41 pm
Happy Deluxe Day!
It’s been a while since my last visit so I thought I’d drop by and say hello 🙂 I hope you all are well and have a good weekend! My thoughts are with those of you who are going through challenges. I hope things start looking up for you soon ♥
april, I’m so sorry to hear about Diesel. You are in my thoughts as well. Hugs ♥
Hi, Cassie! I believe the item you were referring to is the Sally Webkinz Poster 😉
OMG, Ruby! Thank you SO much for the incredibly thoughtful and generous gift! It was such a nice surprise and made my day even sweeter 😀 You’re the best! ♥
Congratulations on having your beautiful Mellow in Yellow room featured, moms!
And welcome to Gymbo’s, Emma!
I’m loving all of the floaty clickies. Can hardly wait to win the Orange Goblin Plushy!
Have a nice day!
42 Queen of Sheba said,
October 19, 2018 @ 1:05 pm
Hello everyone!
Puma – Yep! I know what you mean. Sometimes you can find deals online! 🙂 Anyway, enjoy your new pets! 🙂
Update – I forgot to mention last night that yesterday I had more success with floaties outside of the rooms. Not sure what was going on before!
Moms – Thanks for the name item list of prizes.
43 Queen of Sheba said,
October 19, 2018 @ 1:09 pm
I have not really been a Halloween fan, although I have always enjoyed decorating my WW Haunted rooms. The orange goblin gifted to me is absolutely adorable and yesterday I found myself at the e-store buying the purple and the green goblins! I hope to adopt them soon!
Company again today & tomorrow. So challenging to fit in my hobby!
44 dee said,
October 19, 2018 @ 4:37 pm
does anyone know if it is possible to sort the wshop stuff by kc?
thanks in advance
45 Emma104 said,
October 19, 2018 @ 8:17 pm
Moms- Yay! I just emailed you!
Gagagee- sent you friend request…are you still looking for a hopscotch rug?
46 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 19, 2018 @ 9:19 pm
dee – it is not possible – i wish there were a lot of sorting/filtering options
emma – on right now – i’ll pull up email
47 Queen of Sheba said,
October 20, 2018 @ 12:52 am
Puma – We tried the Chicken Spinach Pasta Bake! Delicious! It was a hit with my company (my son, his wife, her dad) & the daughter that lives with us. My husband liked it, but I could tell it wasn’t high on the list. He is not a fan of Parmesan cheese. But he said it was something I should make again! 🙂 So it is a winner!
48 gagagee said,
October 20, 2018 @ 5:50 am
Good Morning All !
moms… so happy for you that you wishes were granted !!! You deserve it !!
Emma .. I received your FR… and yes… despite trying on multiple accounts.. am still trying to get the Hopscotch Rug…. but not giving up !
Ghost has arrived in the Reading Room ! Does anyone know what the Grand Prize might be ?? Have looked everywhere to try and get the info… Lurker any ideas ??
Anyone win the Billion Dollar Lottery last night ??? I didn’t ! I guess our Gymbos Get Together will have to wait !!! Will keep trying !!
49 PumaPardus said,
October 20, 2018 @ 6:46 am
I’m glad you liked the recipe, QoS! It’s a bit frittery and labor-intensive, but for that sauce, it’s worth it! I wonder if Pecorino Romano, Parmigiano Ramano or Asagio might fill in for parmesan (although pecorino romano is saltier even than parmesan). I wonder if you could leave the parmesan out, or halve it. or maybe just use it as a topper!
50 gramma(BLG610; grammabon; grammao3) said,
October 20, 2018 @ 7:16 am
Good Morning!!
not a fan of those cheeses, how ’bout mozzarella?
bit of rain this morning. wouldn’t mind a whole day of it, good excuse to stay put.
wishing all a wonderful weekend!! ♥
51 momskinz (WWID: momsownkinz) said,
October 20, 2018 @ 8:17 am
new post: